28 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Memorandum de la GWF et JNP pour les congés parentaux

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Dans un document conjoint publié le 7 mars 2023 la General Workers Federation et JNP Sugar Sector Unions ont donné les raisons de leurs demandes pour Parental Leaves for the working people of the Republic of Mauritius.

Dans le document remis à la presse mauricienne, les auteurs indiquent :-

In many other societies, in addition to the Maternity and Paternity leaves as a matter of rights, the principle of parental leaves has been recognised in labour laws.

The recognition of parental leaves has several societal implications.
it encourages gender equality in family care giving and parity in parenting.
It is a policy instrument that significantly alter the gender roles ascribed to men and women

it recognises the principle of reproductive justice, whereby inter alia, every human being has a right to raise families in safe and healthy societies with quality childcare, irrespective of their social or class position.

 it recognises the right of a child to be given childcare by his parents during his whole childhood and recognises that this right to supersede any other consideration.

with the mutation of societies, like Mauritius, from extended family model to nuclear family model, society needs to grant paid time off to parents to assist the childhood of the children.

in times of the Climate change & Pandemia new realities, social systems are being disrupted, thus affecting the childcare systems, for example sudden closures of schools and other educational institutions due climatic or pandemic situations.

By recognising parental rights/leaves, in addition to existing maternity and paternity leaves, Mauritian society will be valuing care, including early learning and child care and re-balancing paid and unpaid work responsibilities. As progressive trade unions which militates for the advent of a care based society and care based economy, we call for the introduction of such a new right to the working people of Mauritius, as it will represent a qualitative social advancement.

The Introduction of Parental Leaves - Memorandum ofthe GWF JNP 7 March 2023 FINAL

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