19 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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[Document] Rapport de l’Audit 2021-2022 pour Rodrigues

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Comme pour l’Ile Maurice, le Directeur de L’Audit a soumis son rapport sur les comptes du Rodrigues Regional Assembly pour l’année financière de 2021-22.

Dans ce rapport de 144 pages, Charanjivsingh Romooah, souligne que :

« I have noted that only 36 per cent and 23 percent of issues raised in the Audit Report 2019-2023 and 2021-21 have been resolved and… noted that the RRA has not take any action in respect of 62 per cent of issues raises in the Audit Report 2020-2021. »

Un peu plus loin il est écrit:-

During the period October 2018 to June 2022, contributory beneficiaries have been paid pensions totalling Rs 48.85 million from the budget of the RRA. No claims have been made from the National Pensions Fund for refund.

ou encore

An amount of Rs 864,960 was paid twice to the Contractor for the construction of the Mont Lubin Community Centre. This overpayment has not been recouped.

A RX-C Receiver for DWR procured for a total cost of Euro 6,705 and received in December 2020, was still not installed at the Meteorological Station, 20 months after its delivery.

Audit Report Rodrigues 2021-22

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