12 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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[Document] Road Transport and Road Traffic Accident Statistics

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The National Land Transport Authority registered a total of 648,176 vehicles at the end of December 2022, which is a net increase of 25,188 vehicles (or 4.0%) compared to the end of 2021 when there were 622,988 registered vehicles.

During 2022, 31,734 vehicles were registered, including 18,528 new vehicles, 8,250 imported second-hand vehicles, and 4,956 re-registered vehicles. In the same period, 6,546 vehicles were taken off the road. The fleet at the end of 2022 comprised 54.2% cars, double cab pickups, and dual purpose vehicles, 36.5% auto/motorcycles, and 9.3% vans, lorries and trucks, buses, and other vehicles.

The number of motorcycles and auto cycles at the end of 2022 was 236,566, a net increase of 7,003 (or 3.1%) compared to the end of 2021 when there were 229,563 such vehicles. In 2022, 108 people died as a result of road accidents, the same number as in 2021. However, the fatality rate increased to 8.9 per 100,000 mid-year population from 8.8 in 2021.

The most vulnerable category of road users were riders/pillion riders of auto/motorcycles (53), followed by pedestrians (33). In 2022, there were 132 « hit and run » cases causing casualties, compared to 116 in 2021. Out of these cases, 58.3% (77) involved vehicles only, while the other 41.7% (55) involved both vehicles and pedestrians.


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