12 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Gambling Regulatory Authority (Personal Management Licence) (Amendment) Regulations 2023

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le monde des courses hippiques va connaitre des changements avec la promulgation de cette nouvelle régulation qui va concerner les « Personal Management Licence » pour les non-citoyens et les non-résidents à Maurice.

Cabinet has taken note that the Gambling Regulatory Authority (Personal Management Licence) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 would be promulgated. The Regulations provide for:
(i) the issuance of a Personal Management Licence (PML) by the Horse Racing Committee of the Horse Racing Division to a non-citizen and non-resident horse owner who is already registered with a Racing Authority in a foreign jurisdiction; and
(ii) exemption of a person leasing horses from a registered equestrian centre from the requirement of having a PML licence.

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