12 mars 2024

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Giveaway App to showcase @ One Africa Digital Summit

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Giveaway App is pleased to announce its participation in the Africa’s biggest tech show, GITEX Africa 2023 at Marrakech, Morocco.

As a significant part of the digital revolution, Giveaway App (https://GiveawayApp.io/) believes in the interconnected power of business, innovation, and technology. The company has recently launched its Fintech app for Payment solutions.

With this all and a lot more, Giveaway App (https://GiveawayApp.io/) is feeling honored to join in big tech players appearing at GITEX AFRICA (https://www.GITEXAfrica.com/) One Africa Digital Summit in coming weeks.

GITEX is one of the most significant community events that bring the leading brands, next-gen innovators, global startups, investors, and founders under one roof. GITEX AFRICA (https://www.GITEXAfrica.com/), the continent’s largest all-inclusive tech event, will connect tech titans, governments, SMEs, start-ups, coders, investors and academia, to accelerate, collaborate and explore new ventures.

A curation of emerging technologies from fintech, e-commerce, cloud, IoT, AI, telecom to cybersecurity will be heavily featured during the three-day annual pan-African forum in Marrakech, Morocco.

Unleashing the limitless possibilities of the globe’s youngest continent, the event will shape the vision for a more sustainable, inclusive and tech-driven digital economy.

GITEX AFRICA (https://www.GITEXAfrica.com/) will amplify the continent’s digital aspirations and achievements powered by tech savvy youth, corporates and ambitious governments.

Abraham Otitibe, CEO of Giveaway App (https://GiveawayApp.io/), said “We strive for financial inclusion for everyone.”

“Taking part in the global technology platform ecosystem is something we eagerly anticipate, » he expressed further on the topic.

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