19 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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AZA Finance publie un rapport sur l’investissement international au Ghana

3 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Version anglaise / English Version

AZA Finance released a brief unveiling critical insights in the Ghanaian fintech landscape, emphasising the crucial roles of banks, regulators, and fintech in driving global investment into this thriving market.

Authored by Elizabeth Rossiello, CEO and founder of AZA Finance, and Nana Yaw Owusu Banahene, Country Manager (Ghana) at AZA Finance, the report provides insight into Ghana’s regulatory environment, key statistics, and a promising outlook for businesses seeking to establish a presence in this burgeoning market.

The report reveals Ghana’s digital transformation, fueled by tech-savvy regulators, robust banking infrastructure, and the responsible expansion of fintech, as key factors contributing to its attractiveness for international fintech, multinational corporations, and investors.
Notable highlights from the report include:
• Increasing fund flows from the United Kingdom and Europe are attributed to Ghana’s growing international reputation and interest in money transfer operators to enter the country.
• Mobile money’s dominance in Ghana, with nearly 60% of foreign exchange conversions paid out to mobile money accounts, reflects this technology’s importance in the country’s financial landscape.

Rossiello shares her enthusiasm for Ghana’s success and potential:

 “We are thrilled to be part of Ghana’s present success and eagerly anticipate the bright future that lies ahead.”

This report is a valuable resource for businesses and investors looking to explore opportunities in Ghana’s flourishing fintech sector. It offers compelling evidence that the nation’s forward-thinking regulatory approach, strong financial infrastructure, and innovative spirit create an ideal environment for businesses to thrive.

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