3 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Water Cube Cup International Chinese Song Contest 2023

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The Chinatown Foundation is organizing for the fourth time this year, the Water Cube Cup International Chinese Song Contest in Mauritius, in collaboration with the China Cultural Center, The Confucius Institute at the University of Mauritius & MFDC. The aim is to unite our local talents and give them the opportunity to perform on an international platform.

This contest has become one of the most important music and cultural events in the global Chinese community and last year has drawn over 30,000 contestants from over 30 countries and 50 competition areas. The Mauritius finalists will have the occasion to compete with the winners of the other competition areas worldwide and Global finalists will be invited to participate in a live gala in Beijing. The Beijing organizers are BRTV – Beijing Radio & Television Station, Water Cube, Beijing Artists Management Corp., Ltd, China Conservatory of Music and CTG Travel with the collaboration of some Chinese Media.

The Water Cube Cup Organizing Committee and The Chinatown Foundation will be holding The Mauritius Water Cube Cup finals on 20 May 2023 at 15h00 at Paul Octave Wiehe Auditorium, Réduit. In this regard, we are writing to you to request for coverage of the event.

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