19 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

le gouvernement a pris note de l’application pour smartphone « MOPRI » qui va donner plus d’informations aux consommateurs et permettre aux commerçants de mettre en avant leurs produits ainsi que les prix pratiqués dans leurs établissements.

Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection and Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation have launched the MOPRI Application on 18 May 2023 to empower consumers to have more visibility on the retail prices of commonly used products. The application which is a fundamental tool, would allow the public at large and stakeholders to compare prices of products and make an intelligent purchasing decision. Consumers would have access to the retail prices of a basket of 100 commodities of more than 450 brands being disseminated on MOPRI. The defined basket of commodities, would be reviewed on a regular basis. The mobile application is available on the website https://mopri.govmu.org/

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