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[Document] Arianne Navarre-Marie suspendue pour cinq séances

3 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Lors de la séance parlementaire du 523 mai 2023, le Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale a fait une déclaration sur les mots utilisés par le députée de la Circonscription de Port-Louis Ouest / Grande Rivière Nord Louis lors du discours de la PPS Dorine Chuckowy.

Hon. Members,
At the sitting of Tuesday last, during the second reading of the Education (Amendment) Bill, after the intervention of Hon. Navarre-Marie, Dr the Hon. Chuckowy had the floor. While the Hon. Member was intervening, Hon. Navarre-Marie was behaving in a grossly disorderly manner by constantly interrupting the Hon. Member and the proceedings of the House.Consequently, the Chair had no alternative than to order the Hon. Member to withdraw from the Chamber. The Hon. Member continued in an argument with the Chair. At some point in time, Hon. Minister Toussaint raised a point of order to the effect that Hon. Navarre Marie uttered the words “you are shouting like a dog” to address of the Chair.

I asked Hon. Navarre-Marie to withdraw the words if ever she had said so. Instead, she questioned as to the words she had uttered.

I undertook to verify the Hansard and ordered the Hon. Member to comply with my prior order given to her to withdraw from the Chamber.

At that point in time, as I was not in a position to ascertain the words she had said, I could not name her.

Hon. Members

I have verified from the Hansard and it is clear that Hon. Navarre-Marie had indeed uttered the words “you are shouting like a dog”.

I consider these words to be disrespectful and derogatory towards the Chair and offensive to the decorum of the House.

Neither did the Hon. Member withdraw the words uttered by her nor has she up to now expressed any regret for having uttered those words.

In the light of the above, I leave the matter in the hands of the House for any action it may deem appropriate.

I thank you.

Après la déclaration du Président de la Chambre, le Premier Ministre a présenté une motion en urgence afin de suspendre la députée mauve pour la séance du 23 mai 2023 et quatre autres séances sauf si des excuses sont envoyées.

The Honourable Prime Minister:
“Mr Speaker, Sir, in the light of your ruling, I beg under Standing Order 17(3) to take the time of the House for urgent business.”The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister seconded.

Mr Speaker put the following question:

“The question is that the Honourable Prime Minister be allowed under Standing Order 17(3) to take the time of the House for urgent business. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

The Honourable Prime Minister:

“Mr Speaker, Sir, having obtained your permission, I beg to move under Standing Order 29(1) to present a motion without notice.”

The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister seconded.

Mr Speaker put the following question:

“The question is that the Honourable Prime Minister be allowed under Standing Order 29(1) to move a motion without notice. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

The Honourable Prime Minister:

“Mr Speaker, Sir, in the light of your ruling, I beg to move that the Honourable Navarre-Marie, be suspended from the service of the Assembly for today’s sitting and the next four sittings.”

The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister seconded.

Mr Speaker will put the following question:

“The question is that the Honourable Navarre-Marie, be suspended from the service of the Assembly for today’s sitting and the next four sittings. Those in favour say AYE. Those against say NO. The AYES have it.”

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