15 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

Partager et informer depuis 2013

Stories for Everyone

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The worldview of fear teaches us that at birth we are thrown alone into a world where people are essentially interested in maximizing their own advantage without regard for the well-being of others.

This worldview undergirds the capitalist world of work, in which we all live. And it can seem all-pervasive, reinforced at every level of our lives.

At a personal level, well‑meaning parents and teachers often tell us that to protect ourselves from others, we need to learn to get power over them before they dominate us. As many parents say, “It´s a dog-eat-dog world, so you´d better be prepared for it. Everyone is out for themselves, so be careful and don´t let others take advantage of you.”

Fear and Domination The Magic Hat Shop

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