3 avril 2024

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3e Rapport du Public Account Committee

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Reza Uteem, Président de PAC a présenté, pendant la journée du 24 mai 2023 à Port-Louis, le troisième rapport de l’instance parlementaire sur le rapport de l’Audit.

Encore une fois le Président du PAC a demandé plus de pouvoir pour cette instance tout comme ses prédécesseurs quel que soit le parti politique.

Your Committee examined the Reports of the Director of Audit for fiscal years 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, respectively, during which Your Committee held several meetings with Accounting Officers and senior staff members of selected Ministries and Departments.

For the first time in this Session, Your Committee was able to visit Rodrigues, carry out working sessions with members of the Rodrigues Public Accounts Committee, the Island Chief Executive, various Departmental Heads and other Public Officers. Your Committee was also able to conduct on-site inspection of various projects sites in Rodrigues which have been the subject of adverse comments in the Reports of the Director of Audit.

Successive Public Accounts Committees have made recommendations in order to enhance, clarify and codify the powers of the Committee so as to increase further its effectiveness and Your Committee makes a plea for the implementation of these recommendations at the earliest possible opportunity.

However, in answer to a Parliamentary Question on 12 April 2022, the Honourable Prime Minister informed the House that he does not see any need or any justification to amend the Standing Orders and Rules of the National Assembly to allow debate in the Assembly on the reports of the Director of Audit and of the Public Accounts Committee.

Your Committee recommends that the PAC be allocated its own budget with a view to empowering it and to ensuring its full autonomy.

Your Committee reiterates its recommendations that appropriate legislative changes be brought to sanction public officers who misuse or facilitate the misuse of public funds.

In line with established practices in other jurisdictions, Your Committee strongly recommends that necessary power be given to Your Committee to examine the audited accounts of Public Bodies, Parastatal Bodies, Local Authorities and other entities whose accounts are audited by the National Audit Office.

Les membres du Public Account Committee sont:

President Hon. Muhammad Reza Cassam Uteem​​ (Appointed as Chairperson on 30 March 2021 )
1. Honourable Ms. Naveena Ramyad, Chief Government Whip, MP
2. Honourable Patrice Kursley Armance, Opposition Whip, MP
3. Honourable Rajanah Dhaliah, MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary
4. Dr. the Honourable Muhammad Ismaël Rawoo, MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary
5. Honourable Jean Francisco François, MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary
6. Honourable Rameswar Doolub, MP
7. Dr. the Honourable Mahend Gungapersad, MP
8. Honourable Darmarajen Nagalingum, MP​

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