27 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Un Price Analysis and Monitoring Division au Commerce

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le Ministère du Commerce a obtenu l’approbation le 26 mai 2023 pour la création de la Price Analysis and Monitoring Division qui va suivre l’évolution des prix et les fixés à Maurice et Rodrigues.

Cabinet has agreed to the setting up of a Price Analysis and Monitoring Division in the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection which would be responsible for Price Fixing, Price Monitoring and Market Research and Analysis, for both Mauritius and Rodrigues. The strategic objectives of the Price Analysis and Monitoring Division would be to:
(a) implement the price control mechanism for essential commodities both in Mauritius and Rodrigues, for the welfare of consumers and to prevent traders from profiteering while maintaining a sound and fair commercial environment;
(b) undertake market/industry research and analysis for price control strategies and ensure undisrupted supply of essential commodities on the market; and
(c) conduct thorough monitoring and analysis on price evolution of commodities in line with international markets for policy recommendation and Government intervention.

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