12 mars 2024

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[Document] Economic Development Board Budget 2023-2024

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

L’Economic Development Board a publié sa newsletter concernant l’exercice budgétaire 2023-2024 présenté en fin de journée du 2 juin 2023 par le Ministre des Finances.

Dans son éditorial, Ken Poonoosamy, le Chief Executive Officer de l’Economic Development Board écrit :

The Budget Speech 2023-2024, delivered by Dr. The Hon. Renganaden Padayachy has leveraged on the hard fought and remarkable economic fundamentals for the outgoing fiscal year, to re-affirm Government’s strategies and policies to maintain economic recovery and drive forward the transformation of Mauritius into a modern, sustainable and resilient country ….

The restructuring of the Income Tax regime is one key and bold fiscal reform aimed at restoring the economy’s competitiveness and bringing about fairness and equity for earners. Income Tax will be imposed through the introduction of a marginal step application of the rates, leading to a reduction in total income tax paid. This reduction in income tax is expected to spur labour supply and increase consumption, thereby contributing to an increase of 0.6% in GDP and creating more than 16,000 jobs….

The social side of this budget also seeks to address the spending power of a considerable tier of the population and lessen the hard-hitting impacts of inflation, with targeted support and allowances to cushion the effects of continuous increases in the costs of living. Other considerable and assertive measures have been outlined, which notably include raising the minimum salary threshold to Rs 15,000. The panoply of social measures is expected to contribute 1.2 % to GDP growth.


EDB Budget Newsletter -Final

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