19 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Document: Joanna Bérenger suspendue pour quatre séances

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le Speaker de l’Assemblée Nationale a « named’ la députée mauve du No 16 et la Vice-Première Ministre a présenté un motion pour la suspendre pour quatre séances du Parlement incluant celui du 6 juin 2023 pour avoir défier l’autorité du Président de la Chambre selon la Standing order 49(1).


Standing order 49

Suspension of Members
49. (l) Whenever a Member shall have been named by the Speaker, or by the person presiding, immediately after the commission of the offence of disregarding the authority of the Chair, or of persistently and willfully obstructing the business of the Assembly by abusing its rules or otherwise, then, if the offence has been committed by such Member in the Assembly, the Speaker shall forthwith put the question, on a motion being made, “That such Member be suspended from the service of the Assembly”; and if the offence has been committed in a Committee of the whole Assembly, the Chairperson shall suspend the proceedings of the Committee and report the circumstances to the Assembly; and the Speaker or the person presiding, shall, on a motion being made forthwith, put the same question, as if the offence had been committed in the Assembly itself.

(2) If any Member be suspended under paragraph (l) of this Order, his or her suspension shall last until such time as the Assembly, by resolution, shall decide.

(3) Not more than one Member shall be named at the same time, unless two or more Members present have jointly disregarded the authority of the Chair.

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