11 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Energy and Water Statistics for 2022

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

In 2022, the total primary energy requirement (sum of imported and locally available fuels less re-exports and bunkering after adjusting for stock changes) was 1,484,976 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), up by 8.6% from 1,367,124 toe in 2021.

Imported fuels comprising, mainly, petroleum products (65.7%) and coal (24.2%) made up 90.0% (1,335,740 toe) of the total primary energy requirement in 2022. The remaining 10.0% (149,235 toe) was from local sources, namely, bagasse, hydro, wind, landfill gas, photovoltaic and fuelwood.

Total energy supply from renewable sources fell by 11.4% from 168,652 toe in 2021 to 149,482 toe in 2022. There was a decrease of 15.3% in the supply of bagasse from 139,151 toe in 2021 to 117,896 toe and landfill gas decreased by 9.6% from 1,638 toe to 1,480 toe. On the other hand, hydro increased by 20.0% from 9,190 toe to 11,031 toe, photovoltaic increased by 2.1% from 13,010 toe to 13,284 toe and charcoal increased by 52.4% from 143 toe to 218 toe. Energy requirement from wind and fuelwood were almost unchanged.

The peak power demand in 2022 was reached in December: about 491.6 MW for Island of Mauritius and 7.6 MW for Rodrigues. Compared to 2021, the peak power demand increased for Island of Mauritius by 4.4 % from 470.8 MW, and decreased for Island of Rodrigues by 3.8% from 7.9 MW.

Some 3,119.2 GWh (268,205 toe) of electricity was generated in 2022. It is to be noted that 80.8% (2,520.8 GWh or 216,788 toe) of the electricity was generated from non-renewable sources, mainly coal and fuel oil while the remaining 19.2% (598.4 GWh or 51,466 toe) were from renewables, mostly bagasse.

In 2022, Island of Mauritius received 4,105 million cubic metres (Mm3) of precipitation (rainfall), up by 8.7% compared to 3,776 Mm3 recorded in 2021. Some 2,463 Mm3 (60%) of the precipitation went as surface runoff, while evapotranspiration and ground water recharge accounted for 1,231 Mm3 (30%) and 411 Mm3 (10%), respectively.

During the year 2022, the mean amount of rainfall recorded around Island of Mauritius was 2,201 millimetres (mm), representing an increase of 8.7% compared to 2,025 mm in 2021. This represented an increase of 9.1% from the long term mean (1991-2020) of 2,018 mm.

The wettest month in 2022 was April with a mean rainfall of 442 mm, representing an increase of 114.6% relative to the long-term (1991-2020) mean of 206 mm. October and November were the driest month with a mean of 33 mm of rainfall, registering a deficit of 54.8% and 61.2% compared to the long-term (1991-2020) mean of 73 and 85 mm respectively.

The mean rainfall registered in Rodrigues at Pointe Canon in 2022 was 860 mm compared to 1,029 mm in 2021, down by 16.4%. The highest amount of rainfall with 149 mm was recorded in the month of March while the least amount was in December with 13 mm

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