4 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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The Curatelle (Amendment) Bill

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

L’Attorney General qui va présenter en première lecture lors de la cinquième séance parlementaire de 2019 son Curatelle (Amendment) Bill en première lecture.

The main object of this Bill is to make numerous amendments to the Curatelle Act, which dates to 1973, so as to make further and better provisions for the administration of vacant estates.
2.The Bill provides, inter alia –
(a) for the approval of the Attorney-General to be sought before –
(i) a claim made against a vacant estate is settled;
(ii) a claim to which the Curator of Vacant Estates is a party is referred to arbitration;
(b) for an increase in the fine from 2,000 rupees to 100,000 rupees and for an increase in the term of imprisonment from 6 months to one year, for failing to furnish a statement to the Curator of Vacant Estates within the time fixed by the Judge in Chambers;
(c) for an increase in the value of any property which the Curator of Vacant Estates is empowered to hand over on behalf of a minor or an interdicted person.

The Curatelle (Amendment) Bill

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