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Décisions de l’Executive Council du Rodrigues Regional Assembly du 13 janvier 2023

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Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du Conseil Executif ont pris note qu’un MoU sera signé entre le Rodrigues Regional Assembly et le Rodrigues Public Utilities Corporation Ltd, que la Commision de l’Education va donner des aides aux Parent Teacher’s Association des écoles primares et l’Ecoles Maternelles de Rodrigues entre autres.

(i) That a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between the Rodrigues Regional Assembly and the Rodrigues Public Utilities Corporation Ltd (RPUC) which has been set up as a Special Purpose Vehicle to be the executive arm of the Commission for Water Resources in the field of water production, storage treatment and distribution.

(ii) That the Commission for Education will provide financial grants to Parent Teacher’s Association of all Primary Schools and Association des Ecoles Maternelles de Rodrigues for the provision of hot meal to pupils of Pre-primary and Primary Schools once weekly on a pilot basis as from February 2023.

(iii) To vest the building, housing Restaurant Montagne Limon which is lying idle since April 2021 to the Commission for Women’s Affairs for its future projects.

iv) To amend the eligibility criterion of the Youth Mobility Programme ‘Born in Rodrigues’ to “Residents in Rodrigues’’. The aim of the Youth Mobility Programme is to help the development of young people so as to enhance opportunities through the provision of sponsorship in specific career for business projects for short internships or training course in Mauritius or abroad for a period not exceeding one year.

(v) To provide fund to the Rodrigues Public Utilities Corporation (RPUC) to proceed with the recruitment of the following staff as from February 2023:
4 Administrative/Finance Officers
4 Heavy Vehicles Drivers
4 Plant & Equipment Operators
4 Trainee Engineers
5 Junior staff (Receptionist, Handy Worker, Secretary, Security Guard, Driver etc)

(vi) That the Commission for Education will provide a capital grant to the Roman Catholic Education Authority for the construction of two additional classrooms at Father Ronald Gandy RCA School to cater for the increase of pupils admitted thereat for Academic Year 2023.

(vii) That the Commission for Education will provide a financial assistance to CARITAS Rodrigues for the provision of hot meal to students from low revenue family of primary, secondary schools and vocational training institutions.

(viii) To provide financial grants to Parent Teachers’ Associations of all pre-primary, primary and SEN Schools for the provision of cakes once weekly.

(ix) That the Rodrigues Property Development Company Ltd (RoDPRO) will proceed with recruitment of a Manager and Administrative staff so as to kick start its operation pertaining to the implementation of social housing schemes of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly.

(x) To continue the implementation of the existing Irrigation Scheme under which eligible full time planters in remote areas who earn their living exclusively from crop production activities are provided with financial assistance for the extension of the electricity network or for the installation of solar water pumps for irrigation purposes.

(xi) That the Commission for Marine Parks will procure twenty spherical mooring buoys to be provided to fishers operating in the South East Marine Protected Area (SEMPA) for safe mooring of their boats and to prevent damages to marine ecosystem.

(xii) That the Commission for Social Security will proceed with the procurement of corrugated iron sheets to help vulnerable families to repair their houses which are in poor condition.


(i) That Honourable Alan GANOO, Minister of Land Transport and Light Rail, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade will lead a delegation to Rodrigues from 23 to 26 January 2023 to hold consultations in respect of human rights in view of the elaboration of the National Human Rights Action Plan 2023-2030 and the Universal Periodic Review Report for submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and have working session on transport related issues.

(ii) A delegation of the Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD) will be on mission to Rodrigues from 28th January to 1st February 2023 for consultation with local authorities to identify possibilities of funding in the water sector.

(iii) That a delegation from the National Drug Secretariat will be on mission in Rodrigues from Wednesday 18 to Thursday 19 January 2023 for consultation with the local authorities on the findings of the survey on drug use in Rodrigues prior to the finalisation of the report. The objective of the survey which was completed in October 2022 were to:
• measure the prevalence of drug use in Rodrigues;
• set as baseline for monitoring of drug use; and
• develop appropriate strategies and programmes in order to minimise drug threat in the island.

(iv) That pupils born between 01 June and 31 December 2016 who have been admitted to Grade 1 for Academic Year 2023 will be allowed to follow an upgraded curriculum if their parents so wish. At the end of the first term, these pupils will be evaluated to determine their readiness to move to grade 2 at the start of May 2023.

(v) Of the activities to be organised to mark the commemoration of the 188th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery on Wednesday 01 February 2023, namely Wreath Laying Ceremony by the Chief Commissioner and other officials at 10.00 hrs at Montagne Cimetiere.

(vi) That contracts have been handed to 67 beneficiaries of the Social Housing Scheme, Elderly Housing Scheme and the Infrastructure Development to Needy Families Scheme for the financial year 2022/2023, on 12 January 2023 as follows:-
Social Housing Scheme 36
Elderly Housing Scheme 17
Infrastructure Development to Needy Families Scheme 14

(vii) That a delegation of the Central Procurement Board (CPB) headed by its Chairperson Mr. R. M. PRAYAG, GOSK and comprising Mr. F. SENEQUE, Board Member (CPB), Mr. D. MANNICK, Chief Executive (CPB), Mr. A. S. JOOTUN, Engineer (Civil) (CPB) and Mr. R. JEWON, Member of the Procurement Policy Office, will be on mission to Rodrigues from 26 to 28 January 2023 to have working sessions with officers involved in the preparation of the bidding document in order to streamline bidding procedures.

(viii) That in the context of the implementation of the Livestock Feed Promotion Scheme, the Commission for Agriculture has ordered a first consignment of ruminant supplement feed containing about 13% protein that can be fed to cattle, sheep and goat for distribution to farmers by the end of this month.

(ix) That henceforth patients referred to Mauritius for further treatment will be repatriated back to Rodrigues immediately after their discharge from the hospital if their next medical appointment is more than 15 days instead of the present arrangement whereby they are accommodated in guest house in Mauritius. Moreover, where appropriate visiting specialist in the relevant fields will follow up these patients who require minor and routine follow up after their medical treatment in Mauritius.

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