10 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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National HIV Action Plan 2023–2027

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le feu vert a été donné pour la mise en place du National HIV Action Plan (NAP) 2023–2027 préparé par le ministère de la Santé avec la collaboration de l’OMS et des acteurs locaux, ONG inclus.

Cabinet has agreed to the National HIV Action Plan (NAP) 2023–2027, which has been developed by the Ministry of Health and Wellness in consultation with all stakeholders involved in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The World Health Organization provided technical assistance through the recruitment of an international Consultant, for the drafting of the plan.

The NAP 2023–2027 is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal aimed at ending AIDS by 2030. The vision of the NAP 2023-2027 is to achieve zero new HIV infections and zero AIDS-related deaths within a setting of an inclusive society free from stigma and discrimination and its mission is to provide high quality HIV prevention, testing, treatment, care and support services to all Mauritians.

A Steering Committee under the chair of the Ministry of Health and Wellness would be set up to ensure the proper implementation of the NAP and the activities contained therein.

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