28 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Le rapport du PRB sur les erreurs et omissions de 2021

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Un peu plus de deux ans après la mise en application des recommandations du Pay Research Bureau, le rapport supplémentaire a été rendu public début février 2023.

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This Addendum Report has been prepared to consider genuine omissions/errors of the 2021 PRB Report and to clarify those recommendations considered ambiguous. It has also enabled the introduction of a few provisions on certain pertinent issues following the obtention of additional information. The amendments in respect of the Pay and Conditions of Service in the Public Sector (Civil Service, Parastatal and other Statutory Bodies, Local Authorities and Rodrigues Regional Assembly) and the Private Secondary Schools have all been included in one volume and should be read as an integral part of the 2021 PRB Report.

Cela après 275 représentations venant des employés, des associations des employés et des diverses directions.

Following the publication of the 2021 PRB Report, the Bureau received some 275 memoranda from employees, staff associations as well as Management. More than 50% were received after the set deadline. We continued to receive representations until the eve of the publication of the Addendum to the 2021 Report. These can broadly be categorised as follows:-

➢ Replication of representations already submitted in the context of the main Report and which could not be entertained.
➢ Late submissions in the context of the main Report.
➢ Changes in relativities.
➢ Review of different aspects of schemes of service e.g. mode of appointment, duties, etc.
➢ Alleged downgrading further to the deliberate upgrading of a grade or a whole cadre following a fresh evaluation.
➢ Upgrading based on workload.
➢ Changes in the grading structure e.g. creation of grades, merging or demerging of grades.
➢ Payment of new allowances.
➢ Request for amendments based on erroneous interpretation of the Report.
➢ Identification of genuine omissions/errors.



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