20 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Stories for Everyone

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Our true home is the present moment. When we return to right here and right now with the energy of mindfulness, we will be able to establish our true home in the present moment.

When we know how to make peace with our body, to take care of our body, and release the tension in our body, then our body becomes a comfortable, peaceful home for us to come back to in the present moment. When we know how to take care of our feelings—when we know how to generate joy and happiness, and how to handle a painful feeling—we can cultivate and restore a happy home in the present moment. And when we know how to generate the energies of understanding and compassion, our home will be a very cozy, pleasant place to come back to.
Life is our True Home

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