24 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Un comité ministériel pour réglementer les processions religieuses

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

L’incident électrique qui a tué deux pèlerins à Mare Longue a fait réagir le gouvernement qui a pris la décision de former un comité fait de ministres, c’est Avinash Teeluck qui en sera le président.

Cabinet has taken note of the incident which occurred at Mare Longue on 16 February 2023, where some pilgrims returning from Ganga Talao, were injured as a result of an electric shock. Immediate medical attention was provided to them. Arrangements have been made to provide psychological support to the victims and their families.

Cabinet has also taken note that an Inter-Ministerial Committee has been set up to come up with an appropriate regulatory framework for the conduct of processions for religious purposes and pilgrimage to ensure the safety of pilgrims, participants and the public at large.

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