6 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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L’abolition de la Taxe Municipale réalitée

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le Conseil des Ministres a pris note le 14 avril 2023 que deux régulations seront promulgués pendant le mois d’avril et ils vont concerner les habitants des villes de Maurice.

Il s’agit du Local Government (Exemption of Municipal Tax on Family Home) Regulations 2023 et Local Government (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations 2023 qui vont prendre un effet rétroactif  au 1er juillet 2022.

Category Payment of Municipal Tax
Households owning a single house Exempted
Households owning more than one
house in any Municipal area
Exempted only for the house which is the main residence of the owner. The owner would have to signe a Declaration Form to that effect.
Mixed-Use Building Exempted only for the residential part thereof. The person would pay normal rates for the other part of the building.

The Regulations shall be deemed to be effective as from 01 July 2022.

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