12 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Status of the Artist Bill

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le gouvernement a donné son aval pour la présentation de ce projet de loi hautement attendu par la communauté des artistes dans le pays.

Cabinet has agreed to the introduction of the Status of the Artist Bill into the National Assembly. The main object of the Bill is to provide for the establishment of the Professional in the Arts Council. The Council would, in the discharge of its functions and exercise of its powers:
(a) categorise persons engaged as professional artists, specialised professionals in the Arts, technical professionals and occasional professionals in the Arts, and register them as professionals in the Arts;
(b) promote the status of professionals in the Arts;
(c) enhance the social and economic status of professionals in the Arts;
(d) implement the State Recognition Allowance scheme and pension scheme for professionals in the Arts;
(e) enhance access to training and skills development for professionals in the Arts; and
(f) develop and promote the marketing of artistic products and services nationally and internationally.

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