12 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Seventh Episode of “Our Africa” TV Program on Coronavirus Health Awareness

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Merck Foundation (www.Merck-Foundation.com), the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany has launched the Seventh Episode of their First-ever TV program – ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ on their social media handles.

‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ is a pan African TV program that is conceptualized, produced, directed, and co-hosted by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation to feature African Fashion Designers, Singers, and prominent experts from various domains with the aim to raise awareness and create a culture shift across Africa.

Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation expressed, “Firstly, I would like to thank the audience for their continuous positive and encouraging response to ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’. We have also been receiving an amazing response on our Social Media from audiences across the globe, this is very heartening and makes me very happy. The Seventh episode of the TV program addresses the global coronavirus pandemic we have been dealing with for over two years. We have all experienced changes in our lives that the pandemic has brought about. Therefore, this episode advocates for Coronavirus Health Awareness. We have also tried to address the social impact of this pandemic on our communities through this episode.”

“Through ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ our aim is to raise awareness, be the voice of the voiceless and break the silence about many social and health issues in Africa through ‘Fashion and Art with purpose’. I strongly believe that media, fashion and art should have a purpose beyond entertainment and looking good and can raise awareness about issues such as Diabetes Awareness, Breaking Infertility Stigma, Ending Child Marriage, stopping FGM, stopping GBV, Supporting Girl Education and women empowerment, among other social and health issues affecting the continent. Together we can create a culture shift”, added Senator, Dr. Rasha.

The Seventh episode featured designs from Gabriel Froid and Kinneh Mbenga, young designers from Mauritius and The Gambia respectively. Cwezi, a popular singer from Ghana and Teenusha Soobrah, a Nutritionist from Mauritius also featured in this episode.

The show also features “My White Army” – a pan African song, which has been produced and directed by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, as her personal contribution to thank the doctors and nurses fighting on the front lines of the coronavirus battle, who are risking exposure to the virus so everyone else can stay home and stay healthy. The song, featuring singers from 11 African countries in three languages Arabic, English, and French, has been well appreciated across the continent.

« I am very proud to have been able to coordinate, direct and produce this song as a gesture of support across 11 African countries through the 11 talented singers in three languages Arabic, English and French. They have amazing voices and great diversity, they are from countries from North, South, East and West Africa. This coordination was very difficult especially during the lockdown, but they were all very cooperative and we managed to put together a brilliant and heartwarming song. » explained Senator, Rasha Kelej.

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