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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 18 Mai 2019

6 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du Cabinet ont pris note de l’introduction prochaine au parlement au Disciplinary Bodies (Health Sector) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, des travaux a l’aéroport de Plaine Corail entre autres.

1. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction of the Disciplinary Bodies (Health Sector) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill into the National Assembly. The main object of the Bill is to amend various legislations with a view to reviewing and harmonising the disciplinary procedures and powers of statutory disciplinary bodies in the health sector, such as the Allied Health Professionals Council of Mauritius, the Dental Council of Mauritius, the Medical Council of Mauritius, the Nursing Council of Mauritius and the Pharmacy Council of Mauritius. These amendments have been rendered necessary since the disciplinary procedures and powers of those disciplinary bodies differed from each other. In addition, a time limit would be imposed on the Medical Disciplinary Tribunal, such that whenever a disciplinary case of professional misconduct or negligence is referred to it by any such disciplinary body, the Tribunal would have to hear and determine the disciplinary case not later than 90 days after the start of the hearing of the case, except where there is a valid reason, and with the consent of the parties to the case. The Dangerous Drugs Act and the Veterinary Council Act would also be amended accordingly.

2. Cabinet has taken note of the status regarding the construction of the new runaway of 2,100 metres long and 45 metres wide including provision of the various airport facilities, to support operations of A321 Neo type of aircraft at the Plaine Corail Airport in Rodrigues. The project would be financed by way of a loan from the Agence Française de Développement as well as a grant from the European Union.

3. Cabinet has taken note that the National Audit Office of Mauritius has been awarded the prize for the best Performance Audit Report 2018, by the African Organisation for English Speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E), for its Performance Audit Report entitled “Moving Towards Sustainable Artisanal Fishery”. The prize was presented on 08 May 2019 to Mrs K.C. Tse Yuet Cheong, Director of Audit by the Auditor General of the National Audit Office of Sweden and the Senior Performance Audit Manager from AFROSAI-E, at the Strategic Review and Governing Board Meeting, held in Mozambique.

4. Cabinet has taken note that a Technical Committee has been set up under the chair of Mrs D. Chinien, Registrar of Companies to consider the priority ranking of employees under the Insolvency Act and the Code Civil Mauricien in cases of liquidation of companies. The Committee would comprise representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, the Attorney General’s Office, the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training and the Ministry of Financial Services and Good Governance. The Committee may consult other relevant stakeholders.

5. Cabinet has taken note of the first Report of the Working Group on the Blueprint for the Financial Services Sector regarding the status of implementation of the recommendations of the Blueprint. 47% of the action points falling under the six broad strategies recommended in the Blueprint have already been implemented while work on another 40% is ongoing. 5% of the action points have been set aside owing to the international obligations of the Mauritius International Financial Centre towards the EU and OECD and the remaining 8% of the action points would require a prolonged period for either implementation or completion.

6. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius submitting its initial Schedule Tariff Concessions in the context of ongoing negotiations on the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

7. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research initiating consultations with various stakeholders for the setting up of an Educators’ Council and the preparation of an Educators’ Council Bill. The Educators’ Council would represent teachers from across the different levels in the education system and ensure commitment to their professional development. The objectives of the Educators’ Council would be, inter alia, to:

(a) provide for the registration of educators;

(b) promote the professional development of educators; and

(c) set, maintain and protect ethical and professional standards for educators.

8. Cabinet has agreed to the Mauritius Standards Bureau hosting the 2nd Meeting of the Southern African Development Community Cooperation in Standardisation Technical Committee on Automotive and Transportation, from 3 to 7 June 2019. The Meeting would, inter alia, cover areas such as vehicle roadworthiness, requirements for vehicle examiner, ISO compliance driving licences, vehicle fitness testing and transportation of dangerous goods by road. It would also be a platform to raise awareness of stakeholders on road safety and the use of standards and regulations to ensure safe roads. Some 55 delegates from SADC Member States are expected to attend the Meeting.

9. Cabinet has agreed to the setting up of a Committee to work out the concept of the Intercontinental Slavery Museum. The Concept Committee would examine the Report of the Preliminary Study and Survey for the setting up of the International Slavery Museum submitted by consulting firm STEGET S.r.l and make recommendations regarding the restoration option for the Ex-Military Hospital Building. The Concept Committee would also be responsible to work out the historical content and concept of the Museum, the displays to be contained therein and the use of the indoor and outdoor spaces thereat. The Concept Committee would be chaired by Mr Jean Maxy Simonet, Secretary for Public Service.

10. Cabinet has agreed to the Office of the Electoral Commissioner organising a Symposium, in collaboration with the Electoral Supervisory Commission and in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme and the Indian Ocean Commission, on 17 and 18 June 2019 in Mauritius. The Symposium is being organised to commemorate the 60 years of committed service of the Office of the Electoral Commissioner to the promotion of democratic values and delivery of credible and transparent elections in the country. The aim of the Symposium is to bring together distinguished experts and members of Electoral Management Bodies in the region to share their knowledge and good practice through their unique experiences and perspectives as election administrators. Some 30 delegates from Electoral Management Bodies in the region and from regional and international organisations such as the Southern African Development Community, the African Union, the United Nations Development Programme, the Commonwealth Secretariat and l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie would attend the Symposium.

11. Cabinet has taken note that the Mental Health Care (Amendment) Act 2019 which was passed by the National Assembly on 02 April 2019 would be proclaimed so as to come into operation on 15 June 2019.

12. Cabinet has taken note that the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre has provided a grant of USD 10 million to the Republic of Mauritius. The purpose of the grant is to assist Mauritius in dealing with the effects of floods, cyclones and other natural calamities which affect the lives of many people, especially the most vulnerable ones of the society and to meet expenses aimed at minimising the impact of climate change.

13. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister of Youth and Sports to Seychelles where he attended the annual Ministerial Meeting of the Commission de la Jeunesse et des Sports de l’Océan Indien (CJSOI). The Meeting approved the recommendations submitted by the Experts Meeting regarding the budget of the CJSOI for 2019/2020 and the programme of activities for the same period. Two proposals submitted by Mauritius were approved, namely:

(a) Formation des Animateurs Jeunesse et Encadreurs à l’accompagnement et la prise en charge des jeunes en situation vulnérable en vue de promouvoir leur insertion sociale et leur résilience; and

(b) Séminaire sur la Formation des préparateurs physiques et mentaux des athlètes jeunes.

The next Jeux de la CJSOI would be held in Mauritius in 2021. Elections for the chairmanship of the CJSOI for the year 2019/2020 were held and the Republic of Seychelles was elected as Chair and the Union of Comoros as Vice-Chair.

14. Cabinet has taken note that in the context of the forthcoming 10th Indian Ocean Islands Games, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in collaboration with Comité d’Organisation des 10èmes Jeux des Iles, is organising the 5th Edition of ‘Mobilizasion Moris19’ in the yard of the Municipal Council of Curepipe on Sunday 19 May 2019 as from 16 00 hours. Activities would include a fun run, skating, a drift show and cultural and musical shows by popular local artists. Fireworks would also be displayed at the end of the event.

15. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Professional Architects’ Council for the period 2019 to 2021.

16. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Pharmacy Council of Mauritius for the period 2019 to 2021.

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