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Order Paper de la séance parlementaire du 13 Juin 2019

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les premiers debats sur le Budget 2019-2020 commence ce 13 Juin 2019 au Parlement avec la réplique du leader de l’Opposition, Xavier Luc Duval à Pravind Jugnauth.

Selon os sources, il n;y aura pas de Private Notice Question, le leader du PMSD favorisant l’impact de son discours à l’Assemblée nationale.

4.MotionThe Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, External Communications and National Development Unit, Minister of Finance and Economic Development–
“That all the business on today’s Order Paper be exempted from the provisions of paragraph (2) of Standing Order 10.”
5.Statements by Ministers
6.Public Bill
The Appropriation (2019-2020) Bill 2019(No. Xof 2019: The Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, External Communications and National Development Unit, Minister of Finance and Economic Development)
(Resumption of Debate)

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