15 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Quatre projets de loi en première lecture

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Outre la Private Notice Question du Leader de l’Opposition, les questions des députés au Premier Ministre et Minsitres, il y aura quatre projet de loi lié au Metro Expresse qui seront en première lecture.

The object of this Bill is to authorise Victoria Station Ltd to construct, in connection with the implementation of the Light Rail Transit system in Mauritius, an overhead pedestrian bridge over part of the Port Louis-Plaisance Dual Carriageway (M1) for the purpose of developing the Victoria Urban Terminal.

The Victoria Station Overhead Pedestrian Bridge (Authorised Construction) Bill

The main object of this Bill is to amend the Road Traffic Act as a consequence of the Light Rail legislation and the National Land Transport Authority legislation.

The Road Traffic (Amendment No. 2) Bill

The main object of this Bill is to provide for a legal framework for the operation of the Light Rail Transit system in Mauritius, and to provide for matters related thereto

The Light Rail Bill

The main object of this Bill is to provide for the establishment of the National Land Transport Authority (NLTA) which shall be the regulatory
body for land transport and light rail operations in Mauritius.
2. The National Land Transport Authority shall –
(a) take over the functions and powers of the National Transport Authority under the Road Traffic Act; and
(b) perform such other functions imposed, and exercise such other powers conferred, upon it under the Light Rail Act 2019.

The National Land Transport Authority Bill

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