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Order Paper de la séance parlementaire du 6 Aout 2019

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Private Notice Question, questions aux ministres, retraits de deux projets de lois, introduction nouvelles des deux lois retirées, debats sont à l’ordre de la 26e séance de 2019.

The Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, External Communications and National Development Unit, Minister of Finance and Economic Development–“That all the business on today’s Order Paper be exempted from the provisions of paragraph (2) of Standing Order 10.”
5.Statements by Ministers
(i) *The Workers’ Rights Bill(No. XVIIIof 2019: The Honourable Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training)“That the Workers’ Rights Bill (No. XVIII of 2019) be withdrawn.”
(ii)* The Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill(No. XIXof 2019: The Honourable Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training)“That the Employment Relations(Amendment) Bill (No. XIXof 2019) be withdrawn.”

7.Public Bills
(i) *The Workers’ Rights Bill(No. XXIVof 2019:The Honourable Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training)
(ii)*The Employment Relations (Amendment) Bill(No. XVof 2019: The Honourable Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training)

(i)*The National Land Transport Authority Bill(No. XX of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(ii)*The Light Rail Bill(No. XXI of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(iii)*The Road Traffic (Amendment No. 2) Bill(No. XXII of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(iv)*The Victoria Station Overhead Pedestrian Bridge(Authorised Construction) Bill(No. XXIII of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)

(i)*The National Land Transport Authority Bill(No. XX of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(ii)*The Light Rail Bill(No. XXI of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(iii)*The Road Traffic (Amendment No. 2) Bill(No. XXII of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(iv)*The Victoria Station Overhead Pedestrian Bridge(Authorised Construction) Bill(No. XXIII of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)

(i)*The National Land Transport Authority Bill(No. XX of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(ii)*The Light Rail Bill(No. XXI of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(iii)*The Road Traffic (Amendment No. 2) Bill(No. XXII of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade)
(iv)*The Victoria Station Overhead Pedestrian Bridge(Authorised Construction) Bill(No. XXIII of 2019: The Honourable Minister of PublicInfrastructureand Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs,Regional Integrationand International Trade

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