25 avril 2024

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Amity Scholar’s Industry 4.0 club shine at NPQC 2019

3 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The world is changing at the fastest pace than ever in all sectors. The industry 4.0 related technologies are the driven force. The impact is very evident in the high-specification and highly regulated industries like pharmaceutical, manufacturing and medical device manufacturing.

The biggest challenge in such a fast-paced and busy environment is to distinguish between the information and the noise. In other words, the technology, skill, and data which will give your business competitive edge over others and strengthen the bottom line.

mity Mauritius has been contributing directly or indirectly in realizing the nation’s dream to be the education hub and high-income nation by developing the leaders and technocrats to take care of future responsibility. The club, ‘Industry 4.0’ formed by the scholars of September 2018 MBA batch are the torchbearers. These scholars have undertaken a number of the investigations and assessments of the companies to evaluate the preparedness to embark on industry 4.0 visions.

The two major research projects carried out by the club, ‘Industry 4.0’ were presented in the 2nd edition of the national conclave, NPQC 2019 (National Productivity and Quality Convention 2019), organized by NPCC (National Productivity and Competitiveness Council). Among the 100+ participants in different categories, these projects bagged bronze medal for the high-value contribution to the mission, ‘Mauritius 2030’ through their intensive research titled as, ‘Preparedness Assessment of companies to adopt industry 4.0 in Mauritius’.

As expressed by (Dr) Ashish Gadekar Professor and Dean of Faculty of Management “The global and local manufacturing industry is on the verge of tremendous transformations, where the virtual and real-world is ready for the merger. This disruption is bringing many challenges and opportunities, which will ultimately revolutionize the traditional approach of produce, consume and dispose of.

It is evident from the different names of the 4th industrial revolution (Make in India, Mauritius 2030, Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Digitalization, etc…) that the world is transforming from traditional ways of doing business to ultra-modern ways by bringing a new perspective to the bottom line of sustainability. This growth seems to be the fasted when compared with, 1st Industrial revolution, which lasted for about 100 years, 2nd Industrial revolution for about 70 years and the recent most 3rd industrial generation lasted for about 50 years.

The biggest attraction of the revolution is real-time management of the resources, to meet the manufacturing system needs, through the radical changes in processes and operations of the company with minimal interventions by a human. The technology can be defined as the sophisticated amalgamation of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Internet of things, Cloud computing, Machine learning, 3D Printing, and Cybersecurity. The machines equipped with specialized sensors to learn, understand and deliver the expected outcome intelligently will be the core of the whole system.

This research aims to address the key issue and recommend the framework for adoption of Industry 4.0, fully or partially in Mauritian and African Perspective ».

Primarily, lack of awareness, Lack of Data Analytics Skill, lack of Mechatronics Skills and perceived threat to employment are recorded as the biggest challenges in adopting Industry 4.0 in Mauritius.

The researchers firmly believe that we should develop local solutions to deal with local problems, then just becoming the part of the rat race. Industry 4.0 is accelerating globally but with distinctly regional flavor. Focus on people and culture to drive transformation.

The researchers, under the leadership of Prof Ashish Gadekar, also found that many companies are keen to adopt I4.0 vision. Companies are searching the talent to guide the on Factory Automation, Virtual, Augmented, And Mixed Reality, Digitalization, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence.

This is just a whirlwind overview of Amity research in Industry 4.0, very advanced and technically complex world, at the same time ocean of the opportunities. Amity is committed to delivering the most advanced and relevant education to future leaders, who will lead the corporate houses with a forward-thinking and innovative outlook.

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