10 avril 2024

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Southern Africa Startup Awards

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les noms des finalistes de la Southern Africa Startup Awards ont été annoncés il y a quelques heures, pour Maurice ils sont.

Mauritius Best EduTech Startup Afriedx www.afriedx.org
Best Accelerator/Incubator Program P-Cubed Ltd www.ndimensionlabs.com
Best EduTech Startup katapult.mu katapult.mu
Best EduTech Startup orient-u www.orient-u.com
Best EduTech Startup Tutor Me https://www.facebook.com/tutorme.mu/
Best Fintech Startup BLNS Ltd https://blns.io/
Best Fintech Startup March Hare https://marchhare.mu/
Best FoodTech/ AgriTech Startup JUA GROUP www.jua.bio
Best FoodTech/ AgriTech Startup Rwazi https://rwazi.com/
Best Health Tech Startup State Informatics Ltd https://sil.mu/
Best Media Partner Discover(Mauritius)™ www.discovermauritius.app
Best Newcomer BLNS Ltd https://blns.io/
Best Newcomer March Hare https://marchhare.mu/
Best Newcomer Discover(Mauritius)™ www.discovermauritius.app
Best Newcomer Heath Information System
Best Newcomer Rwazi https://rwazi.com/
Best Social Impact Startup Eco-Warriors www.panda-wolf.com
Best Social Impact Startup Afriedx www.afriedx.org
Best Social Impact Startup katapult.mu katapult.mu
Best Social Impact Startup smallstepmatters https://www.smallstepmatters.org/
Best Social Impact Startup SMARTY NAPPY https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-masuda-b4351121/
Best Startup Ecosystem Initiative ConnectMe
Best Startup Ecosystem Initiative Feuilles & fleurs http://www.feuilles-et-fleurs.com/
Best Startup Ecosystem Initiative Rwazi https://rwazi.com/
Best Startup Ecosystem Initiative Roomscout Ltd
Best Student Startup Roomscout Ltd
Brave Founder Beginnings Joseph Rutakangwa https://rwazi.com/
Female Role Model of the Year Jade Li katapult.mu
Female Role Model of the Year Johanne Rannoojee http://panda-wolf.com/
Female Role Model of the Year Nasrine Faucheux www.orient-u.com
Female Role Model of the Year Techsphere Labs
Female Role Model of the Year Veda Dean
Founder of the Year Nic Haussamer https://blns.io/
Founder of the Year Marc Rey www.cemtech.mu
Founder of the Year Brian Dean www.discovermauritius.app
Founder of the Year François Mark www.afriedx.org
Founder of the Year Joseph Rutakangwa https://rwazi.com/
Startup of the Year AVR PLATO TECHNOLOGY LIMITED avrplato.com
Startup of the Year March Hare https://marchhare.mu/
Startup of the Year JUA GROUP www.jua.bio
Startup of the Year Rwazi https://rwazi.com/
Startup of the Year azurdigital https://azurdigital.com/

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