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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 20 Septembre 2019

7 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du cabinet ont pris note que le gouvernement va présenter le Professional Town Planners’ Council Bill, du rapport du comité sur l’Intercontinental Slavery Museum, de constitution du Board du Media Trust, de la promulgation du Financial Services (Sworn Statement) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 entre autres

1. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction of the Professional Town Planners’ Council Bill into the National Assembly. The object of the Bill is to provide for the establishment of the Professional Town Planners’ Council and for better regulation of the profession of town planners. The Council will, inter alia,:

(a) regulate and control the profession of town planners;

(b) register town planners;

(c) exercise and maintain discipline in the profession of town planners, with the assistance of such Professional Conduct Committee as may be set up; and

(d) promote advancement in the field of town planning.

The Bill also provides for the registration of firms of town planners and foreign firms of town planners in Mauritius.

2. Cabinet has taken note of the Report of the Committee set up to:

(a) work out the historical content and concept of the Intercontinental Slavery Museum, the displays to be contained therein and the use of the indoor and outdoor spaces thereat; and

(b) examine the Report of the Preliminary Study and Survey for the setting up of the Museum and to make recommendations regarding the preferred restoration option for the ex-Military Hospital Building which will house the Museum.

Following a site visit effected on 19 September 2019 by the Prime Minister, concerned Ministers and stakeholders, Cabinet has agreed to the implementation of the Intercontinental Slavery Museum Project into two phases. Phase 1 of the Project would comprise the launching of the Intercontinental Slavery Museum on the ground and first floors of the south block of the ex-Military Hospital pending the full restoration of the building.

The Intercontinental Slavery Museum would be an institution directed towards the following goals:

(a) cultural preservation and the scientific study of the phenomenon of slavery and slave trade in the Indian Ocean;

(b) the promotion of cultural exchanges and a culture of peace and union among peoples of several continents;

(c) the promotion of curricular development, scientific research, as well as the production of educational and pedagogical materials;

(d) the driving factor for developing cultural tourism across the South West Indian Ocean by the creation of slave heritage trails;

(e) the collection, inventorying and preservation of oral traditions; and

(f) contribution towards a better understanding of the transformations and cultural interactions that the tragedy of slavery generated.

3. Cabinet has taken note that the Immigration (Permits) (Prescribed Fees, Guarantees and Application Form) Regulations would be amended with a view to prescribing the application fee for an Occupation Permit in respect of a “Young Professional”. The Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2019 has amended the Immigration Act to provide for the grant of an Occupation Permit to a “Young Professional”, defined as a non-citizen who has completed at least an undergraduate degree in a local tertiary education institution recognised by the Tertiary Education Commission in fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Fintech, Robotics, Financial Services and Information Technology. The Economic Development Board would issue appropriate guidelines for the newly introduced “Young Professional” category.

4. Cabinet has taken note of the Fertiliser Scheme being implemented by the Mauritius Cane Industry Authority for the benefit of sugarcane planters with a view to improving cane husbandry and crop productivity.

As announced in Budget Speech 2019-2020, Government decided to waive 50 percent of the advance on fertilisers provided to planters cultivating up to 100 ha of sugar cane for Crop 2019. Accordingly, for Crop 2020, it has been decided that henceforth, the same Scheme would be implemented for planters cultivating up to 100 ha of sugar cane.

5. Cabinet has taken note that the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security (Control of Import and Export of Radiation Sources and Other Controlled Items) Regulations 2019 would be promulgated under the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Act 2018. The Regulations provide, inter alia, for:

(a) any person who intends to import or export a radiation source or any other controlled item to apply for a permit from the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Authority (RSNSA), electronically through the TradeNet;

(b) the RSNSA to issue guidelines to facilitate the process for the application of a permit;

(c) the Authority to decide on an application for a permit within five working days;

(d) the Director General of the Mauritius Revenue Authority to collect any applicable fee for the import and export of radiation sources and other controlled items and to remit the fee collected to the RSNSA;

(e) a list of radiation sources and other controlled items which shall be subject to a permit;

(f) prescribing the fees payable for the issue of a permit; and

(g) the Radiation Protection (Permit Fees for the Importation of Sources) Regulations of 2011 to be revoked.

6. Cabinet has taken note that, as announced in Budget Speech 2019-2020, the Social Integration and Empowerment (School Premium Scheme) Regulations 2019 would be amended to extend the School Premium Scheme to students of households, eligible under the Social Register of Mauritius, who have successfully completed the final undergraduate degree examinations at the tertiary level. The student would benefit from a one-off cash grant of Rs40,000.

7. Cabinet has taken note that the Ombudsperson for Financial Services (Sworn Statement) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 would be promulgated to provide for a complainant to make the sworn statement before the Ombudsman for Financial Services instead of the Registrar, Supreme Court. The Ombudsperson for Financial Services Act provides that the Ombudsperson shall not hear and determine a complaint under the Act unless the complainant has voluntarily made a sworn statement, in such form as may be prescribed, that he has waived his right to initiate civil proceedings before any court in Mauritius in respect of the facts that form the subject matter of the complaint.

8. Cabinet has taken note that Mauritius would join the Coalition of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) which is a new initiative of the Government of India that endeavours to promote the resilience of infrastructure systems in order to mitigate the effects of climate change and disaster risks, thereby ensuring sustainable development.

9. Cabinet has taken note of the draft Courts (Amendment) Bill which would be transmitted to the Judiciary for formal consultations. The main object of the Bill is to amend the Courts Act so as to provide for the setting up of a Land Division of the Supreme Court which shall have original jurisdiction to hear any action regarding land, except those conferred to District Courts concerning possessory actions, matters falling under the Landlord and Tenant Act and matters falling under the jurisdiction of the Environment and
Land Use Appeal Tribunal. The setting up of this specialised Court in land disputes has been rendered necessary since land disputes comprise both technical and complex issues in the management and administration of land. Moreover, the Land Division of the Supreme Court shall facilitate the just, expeditious and accessible resolution to land disputes. Opportunity is also being taken to formalise the Family Division and the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court which were set up administratively in 2008 and 2009, respectively.

10. Cabinet has taken note of the recent visit of a delegation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) led by Dr Amado Philip de Andres, Regional Representative for Eastern Africa, to Mauritius. The delegation had a meeting with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade and other stakeholders to, inter alia, explore new avenues of cooperation. In the light of discussions held:

(a) a Memorandum of Understanding between the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the UNODC was signed which aims at providing a framework for the EDB to facilitate and assist investors in the area of FinTech;

(b) a Memorandum of Understanding between the Financial Services Commission and the UNODC was signed to revisit the framework on Self-Regulatory Organisations; and

(c) an Exchange of Letters was held between Mauritius and the UNODC regarding the setting up of a UNODC Project Office in Mauritius.

11. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, in collaboration with the World Community on Prevention of Diabetes Foundation, Spain and the Diabetes Foundation Mauritius, would organise an International Conference on Diabetes and Associated Diseases from 21 to 23 October 2019. The Conference would be a platform for leading experts in the field of diabetes to discuss current issues relating to the disease, take stock of the latest evidence-based best practices to address the epidemic and formulate practical remedies for its management. Some 300 foreign and local participants are expected to attend the Conference.

12. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity, and Environment and Sustainable Development would organise a national function to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons 2019, commemorated on 1 October. The national function would be held on Tuesday 1 October 2019 at the Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre, Pailles. Elderly persons are expected to attend the function which would comprise, among others, a cultural programme and performances by the finalists of song and dance competitions organised by the Senior Citizens Council. The theme chosen for this year’s celebration is “Journey to Age Equality”.

13. Cabinet has taken note that the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Commonwealth Advisory Body on Sport (CABOS) would be held in Mauritius, from 07 to 09 October 2019. CABOS is the main sport policy advisory body in the Commonwealth which advises the Secretary-General and Member Governments on sport policy issues, particularly related to Sport for Development and Peace and protecting the integrity of sport.

14. Cabinet has taken note that the Permanent Secretary of the Land Transport Division of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport has been designated as Officer in Charge of the National Land Transport Authority, pending the recruitment of a Chief National Transport Commissioner.

15. Cabinet has taken note of the appointment of Mrs Prameeta Devi Chittoo, Assistant Solicitor General as Chairperson of the National Pensions Appeal Tribunal.

16. Cabinet has taken note that the contract of Mr Ramesh Sunt as Ombudsperson for Sports has been renewed for a further period of one year.

17. Cabinet has taken note that the Board of Directors of the Mauritius Cane Industry Authority has approved the appointment of Mr Rajkamal Soniah as Chief Executive Officer of Mauritius Cane Industry Authority.

18. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Board of Trustees of the Media Trust with Mr Chayman Surajbali, PMSM, former Director, Government Information Service as Chairperson.

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