7 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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2018 Census of Economic Activities Phase 1

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Statistics Mauritius is currently conducting its seventh Census of Economic Activities (CEA) in Mauritius and Rodrigues, with 2018 as reference year. The CEA is conducted in two phases – Phase I covering a sample of small production units (i.e those engaging less than ten persons) and Phase II covering large units, that is those with ten or more persons.

Data collection for Phase I was carried out from January 2018 to December 2018 while that for Phase II started in September 2019 and is expected to be completed by December 2019.

2. The main objective of this exercise which is normally carried out every five years is to collect data on the operating characteristics and structure of all types of economic activities, except agriculture.

3. Main results of Phase I of the 2018 CEA

(i) Production units

The number of small production units operating in Mauritius and Rodrigues, in sectors covered by the CEA, is estimated at 138,600 in 2018 compared to 125,000 in 2013, that is about 11% higher.

(ii) Persons engaged

The total number of persons engaged in those small units is estimated at 322,000 (219,200 males and 102,800 females), around 14% higher than the figure of 281,900 (196,300 males and 85,600 females) in 2013. The figures include both full-time and part-time workers.

(iii) Value added

Total value added generated in 2018 by the small units covered is estimated at Rs 117,690 million, 42% higher than in 2013 when a value added of Rs 82,700 million was estimated.

The contribution of the small units covered in the CEA to the economy works out to 28% compared to 25% in 2013.

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