16 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Weather outlook for Mauritius for the period of 26 to 27 February 2019.

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Atmospheric conditions will remain warm, moist and rather unstable over our region and are marginally conducive for the formation of active clouds over the island.

On the other hand, an instability line coming from the North East will influence the weather on Tuesday 26 till Wednesday morning on 27.

An improvement of the weather is expected as from Wednesday afternoon after the passage of the instability line and also due to a strengthening of the wind from the east north east.

Maximum temperature will remain above the seasonal mean with 31 to 34 oC over coastal areas and 28 to 30 oC over the high grounds.


Tuesday 26

Scattered showers accompanied with thunderstorms at times over the island.
The showers of high intensity and short duration may cause flooding locally.

Wednesday 27
Rather cloudy with showers at times in the morning. A gradual improvement is expected in the afternoon.

Some practical advices:
1. Avoid places subject to water accumulations, riverbanks and other water courses which could be flooded instantly.
2. Be very careful when traveling, taking into account that visibility could be significantly reduced due to the presence of fog patches and during heavy showers.
3. Stay safe and avoid plains and venturing at sea during thunderstorms. Avoid using phone and do not shelter under the trees. If you are at home, unplug the appliances.

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