12 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Mauritius signs DTAA with the Republic of Kenya

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The Republic of Mauritius had signed a DTAA with the Republic of Kenya during the State visit of the President of Kenya to Mauritius on 10 April 2019.

Before ratifying the Agreement, both countries agreed to engage into bilateral discussions to amend certain provisions of the DTAA with a view to ensuring that it is BEPS compliant and is in line with the tax treaty policies of the two countries.

The President of Kenya, during the TICAD meeting in Japan in August last, acceded to the request of the Prime Minister, for the technical teams of Mauritius and Kenya to meet at the earliest to discuss the amendments to be brought to the agreement.

Negotiations were successfully concluded in September of this year and a Protocol amending the DTAA with Kenya was finalized.

The Protocol to the DTAA with Kenya has been signed on 16 October 2019 in Washington by the Financial Secretary who is presently attending the IMF/World Bank meetings.

The DTAA will eliminate double taxation and provide greater tax certainty for our businessmen. It will make clear the taxing rights of Mauritius and Kenya on all forms of income arising from cross-border economic activities between our two countries. Mauritian businessmen and investors looking for opportunities in Kenya will benefit from this Agreement as will the Kenyan businessmen and investors looking for opportunities in Mauritius.

The Agreement aims at encouraging greater cross-border investment flows between our two countries.

DTAA with the Republic of Kenya

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