13 avril 2024

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Radhakrisna Sadien « Our Vote is note for sale »

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le President de la State and Other Employees Federation a animé une conférence de presse le 25 octobre 2019 pour donner son avis sur les sujets qui concernent les fonctionnaires dans la présente campagne electorale.

Our history has retained that the right to vote was granted gradually to the population on the basis of, inter alia, propriety ownership and literacy. We have enjoyed this right from the struggle of our forefathers and from the objective understanding that a population cannot be deprived of this sacrosanct democratic exercise.

Elsewhere the right to vote has become a fact through harder struggle and there are instances where presently it is still difficult to exercise this right.

By virtue of ideology, adherence and a common cause people choose the party in which they think their individual and collective ambition, prospects and perspectives will be carried to the highest forum of this democratic exercise which is the National Assembly.

Now that we consider ourselves as an educated population through formal schooling and the school of life the onus is on us to distinguish between the believable and the make-believe, the realistic and the unrealistic.

Far from making a ‘procés d’intention’ to all politicians we, however, take exception to any policy which would go towards furthering inequality and erosion of values.

We expect political parties to come up with manifesto clearly defining how they are going to improve the social, economic and environmental lot of the population.

We are intelligent enough to be told from where politicians aspiring to take the affairs of Government would obtain the financial resources to implement what they are announcing.

We are not being judgmental on candidates migrating from one constituency to another for reasons unavowed but they have to take a commitment that they have a plan for the affairs of the country not for their own affairs.

We note that elected members to the National Assembly are eligible to a pension after two terms of office though not consecutively although they have been in gain employment all the time.

It is time we gave a deep re- thinking to such privileges as serving the people is not synonymous of serving oneself first.

My appeal to voters in particular and to our fellow citizens in general is to avoid being influenced by considerations of money, caste, colour, community but by our own conscience.

Then, we shall be free women and free men in our heart and soul.

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