13 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Les Best Loser connus ce soir

5 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Après la longue journée et nuit du dépouillement du scrutin du 8 novembre 2019, une autre étape l’ultime sera franchie le 9 novembre 2019.

Les résultats connus, la Commission Électorale va designer les « Best Loser » qui vont siéger au parlement.

Leur noms seront connus pendant la soirée du 9 novembre 2019.

Ce que dit la Constitution sur le sujet »

Allocation of 8 additional seats

(1) In order to ensure a fair and adequate representation of each community, there shall be 8 seats in the Assembly, additional to the 62 seats for members representing constituencies, which shall so far as is possible be allocated o persons belonging to parties who have stood as candidates for election as members at the general election but have been returned as members to represent constituencies.

(2) As soon as is practicable after all the returns have been made of persons elected at any general election as members to represent constituencies, the 8 additional seats shall be allocated in accordance with the following provisions of this paragraph by the Electoral Supervisory commission which shall so far as is possible make a separate determination in respect of each seat to ascertain the appropriate unreturned candidate 9if any to fill that seat.

(3) The first 4 of the 8 seats shall so far as is possible each be allocated to the most successful unreturned candidate, if any, who is a member of a party and who belongs to the appropriate community, regardless of which party he belongs to.

(4) When the first 4 seats (or as many as possible of those seats) have been allocated, the number of such seats that have been allocated to persons who belong to parties, other than the most successful party, shall be ascertained and so far as is possible that number of seats out of the second 4 seats shall one by one be allocated to the most successful unreturned candidates (if any) belonging both to the most successful party and to the appropriate community, or where there is no unreturned candidate of the appropriate community, to the most successful unreturned candidates belonging to the most successful party, irrespective of community.

(5) In the event that any of the 8 seats remains unfilled, then the following procedure shall so far as is possible be followed until all (or as many as possible) of the 8 seats are filled, that is to say, one seat shall be allocated to the most successful candidate (if any) belonging both to the most successful of the parties that have not received any of the 8 seats and to the appropriate community, the next seat (if any) shall be allocated to the most successful candidate (if any) belonging both to the second most successful of those parties and to the appropriate community, and so on as respect any remaining seat and any remaining parties that have not received any of the 8 seats.

(6) In the event that any of the 8 seats still remains unfilled, then the following procedure shall sofar as is possible be followed (and, if necessary, repeated) until all (or as many as possible) of the 8 seats are filled, that is to say, one seat shall be allocated to the most successful candidate (if any) belonging both to the second most successful party and to the appropriate community, the next seat (if any) shall be allocated to the most successful candidate (if any) belonging both to the third most successful party (if any) and to the appropriate community, and so on as respect any remaining seat and parties.

(7) Where at any time before the next dissolution of Parliament one of the 8 seats fall vacant, the seat shall as soon as if reasonably practicable after the occurrence of the vacancy be allocated by the Electoral Supervisory Commission to the most successful unreturned candidate (if any) available who belongs to the appropriate community and to the party to whom the person to whom the seat was allocated at the last election belonged: Provided that, where no candidate of the appropriate community who belongs to that party is available, the seat shall be allocated to the most successful unreturned candidate available who belongs to the appropriate community and who belongs to such other party as is designated by the leader of the party with no available candidate.

(8) The appropriate community means, in relation t the allocation of any of the 8 seats, the community that has an unreturned candidate available (being a person of the appropriate party where the seat is one of the second 4 seats) and that would have the highest number of persons as determined by reference to the results of the published 1972 official census of the whole population of Mauritius) in relation to the number of seats in the Assembly held immediately before the allocation of the seat by persons belonging to that community (whether as members elected to represent constituencies or otherwise), where the seat was also held by a person belonging to that community:

(9) The degree of success of a party shall, for the purposes of allocating any of the 8 seats at any general election of members of the Assembly, be assessed by reference to the number of candidates belonging to that party returned as members to represent constituencies at that election as compared with the respective numbers of candidates of other parties so returned, no account being taken of a party that had no candidates so returned or of any change in the membership of the Assembly occurring because the seat of a member so returned becomes vacant for any cause, and the degree of success of an unreturned candidate of a particular community (or of a particular party and community) at any general election shall be assessed by comparing the percentage of all the valid votes cast in the constituency in which he stood for election secured by him at that election with the percentages of all the valid votes cast in the respective constituency in which they stood for election so secured by other unreturned candidates of that particular community), no account being taken of the percentage of votes secured by any unreturned candidate who has already been allocated one of the 8 seats at that election or by any unreturned candidate who is not a member of a party:
Provided that if, in relation to the allocation of any seat, any 2 or more parties have the same number of candidates returned as members elected to represent constituencies, preference shall be given to the party with an appropriate unreturned candidate who was more successful than the appropriate unreturned candidate or candidates of the other party or parties.

(10) Any number required for the purpose of subparagraph (8) or any percentage required for the purposes of subparagraph (9) shall be calculated to not more than 3 places of decimals where it cannot be expressed as a whole number.

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