13 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Communique from Electoral Commissioner’s Office

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le Bureau de la Commission Électorale a émis un nouveau communiqué le 15 novembre 2019 indique que Mr. Toussaint Ninchley Matombé lui a remis un bulletin de vote qui avait mis dans sa boite à lettre.

The Office of the Electoral Commissioner has this afternoon received the visit of Mr. Toussaint Ninchley Matombé , a candidate for the National Assembly Elections 2019 in Constituency No. 4 – Port Louis North and Montagne Longue.

Mr. Matombé informed the Electoral Commissioner that he had received a marked ballot paper, for Constituency No. 4, in his letter box on Monday 11 November 2019. Mr Matombé has handed over the said ballot paper to the Electoral Commissioner.

In view of the nature of the information provided and after consultation with the Electoral Supervisory Commission, the Electoral Commissioner has referred the matter to the police for an urgent enquiry.

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