8 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 1er Mars 2019

7 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les ministres ont pris note de l’Advisory Opinion de l’ International Court of Justice sur les Chago, de l’organisation d’un Carnavl des Jeunes qui aura lieu le 11 Mars 2019, de l’organisation de “Pédaler en securité” dans la ville de Curepipe entre autres.

1. Cabinet has taken note of the Advisory Opinion delivered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 25 February 2019 on the legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965. The Court considered that the Chagos Archipelago had been unlawfully detached from Mauritius by the United Kingdom. In the light of its findings, the ICJ ruled, by thirteen votes to one, that :

(a) having regard to international law, the process of decolonization of Mauritius was not lawfully completed when that country acceded to independence in 1968, following the separation of the Chagos Archipelago;

(b) the United Kingdom is under an obligation to bring an end to its administration of the Chagos Archipelago as rapidly as possible; and

(c) all Member States are under an obligation to cooperate with the United Nations in order to complete the decolonization of Mauritius.

2. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a “Convention de Partenariat” between the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life and “L’Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Marseille”. The “Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Marseille” is a public health institution in France which acts as a regional hospital centre for Marseille and its surroundings. The overarching aim of the “Convention de Partenariat” is to establish a collaboration between the two parties in the medical field. The Convention specifically provides, inter alia, for :

(a) training and capacity development of medical and paramedical personnel, as well as improvement of medical techniques and practices; and

(b) exchange of medical, paramedical, managerial and technical personnel in order to transfer technical and organisational know-how.

3. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Protocol between the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping and the General Administration of Customs of China for the export of skipjack tuna from Mauritius to China. Under the Protocol, the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping, would be responsible, inter alia, for :

(a) providing laws, regulations and standards about quality and sanitary monitoring in terms of fish catching, processing, storage and transporting as well as inspection and the quarantine procedure, test items, laboratory tests and the criteria for qualification;

(b) conducting inspection and quarantine of fish to be exported to China and issuing the Health Certificate confirmed by both sides; and

(c) officially approving the exporters and/or exporting agents in Mauritius.

4. Cabinet has taken note of the holding of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission Working Group Meeting (SWIOFC) on Small Pelagic Fisheries and the Working Party for Collaboration and Cooperation in Tuna Fisheries of the Southwest Indian Ocean in Mauritius from 9 to 12 April 2019 and from 10 to 13 September 2019, respectively. The Working Group Meeting on Small Pelagic Fisheries would provide Member States a platform for sharing and analysis of data on small pelagics such as mackerel and sardines and the Working Party for Collaboration and Cooperation in Tuna Fisheries of the Southwest Indian Ocean would focus on discussions on the sustainable management of tuna resources in the waters of the SWIOFC Member States. It is expected that the Working Group Meetings would allow Mauritius to increase its visibility on the international arena, especially its endeavour to sustainably manage and exploit the small pelagics and tuna resources in the SWIO region.

5. Cabinet has agreed to the holding of the ACP Private Sector Development Regional Event for Eastern and Southern Africa in Mauritius from 14 to 16 May 2019. The Event, which will be organised by Business ACP, aims at :

(a) providing comprehensive information on relevant Intra-ACP Cooperation for Private Sector Development (PSD), the European Investment Plan, the European Investment Bank and other EU-related PSD facilities and programmes targeting the ACP regions;

(b) providing a platform for peer-to-peer learning and experience sharing in the area of investment promotion, renewable energy and development, digital entrepreneurship and digital start-up financing; and

(c) ensuring a high degree of interaction among ACP private sector participants in the form of networking and/or B2B in the areas of investment, finance, trade, know-how and technology transfer.

6. Cabinet has taken note that in the context of the National Day Celebrations, the Ministry of Youth and Sports would organise a Youth Carnival on 11 March 2019. The objective of the Carnival is to enhance nationhood and patriotism among the youth. This year, as the country will be hosting the Indian Ocean Island Games, the theme of the Youth Carnival will be “Jeux des Iles en couleur”. The youth cohort will assemble in the compound of BPS College, Beau Bassin on that day to proceed as from 1130 hours to Plaza, Rose Hill. The best participants in the carnival will be rewarded with the following cash prizes :

(a) 1st Prize – Rs100,000;
(b) 2nd Prize – Rs75,000; and
(c) 3rd Prize – Rs50,000.

Around 3,000 young people are expected to participate in the event.

7. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, is organising a road cycling activity entitled “Pédaler en securité” on Saturday 9 March 2019 from 0900 hours to noon in Curepipe. The objectives of the activity are to encourage members of the public to practise cycling on a regular basis as a leisure activity and physical fitness, create public awareness on the need of training for bicycle riders, promote cycling as an environmentally sound, affordable and healthy form of transportation and sensitize the public on road safety.

The itinerary of the road cycling activity will be as follows: Saint Joseph College –
St Clement Street – Botanical Garden – Robinson Road – Camp Caval – Pope Hennessy – Meldrum Street – Sainte Hélène – and back to Saint Joseph.

Some 200 participants, including licensees of the “Féderation Mauricienne de Cyclisme”, members of youth organisations and Community Centres are expected to participate in the event.

8. Cabinet has taken note that Dr Arjoon Suddhoo, current Chairperson of the Air Mauritius Board of Directors and Executive Director of the Mauritius Research Council, has been selected to occupy the post of Deputy Secretary General of the Commonwealth Secretariat.

9. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister Mentor, Minister of Defence, Minister for Rodrigues to India. In the margin of his visit :

(a) he paid a courtesy call on the Minister of Defence of India and thanked her for the contribution in the overhauling of the Dornier Aircraft which was currently being undertaken at the Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL);

(b) he had discussions with the Chairman of HAL on the possible future collaboration with the Mauritius Police Force;

(c) he also met Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and discussed the positive action taken in relation to rehabilitation of drug de-addiction and the latter also proposed his assistance in the possible cultivation of cashew nuts in Mauritius which could generate activities on abandoned sugar cane fields in the coastal areas; and

(d) visited the Siamese babies who have been admitted in the Shri Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital and are awaiting for surgery.

10. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the participation of the Mauritius delegation in the Thirty Second Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa. The AU Assembly adopted several decisions and those of particular interest to Mauritius included the adoption of a decision on :

(a) the Chagos Archipelago;

(b) the new scale of assessment which would determine the contribution of Mauritius to the AU regular budget and Peace Fund;

(c) the African Continental Free Trade Area; and

(d) the Reform of the UN Security Council.

11. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the Extraordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of the Indian Ocean Commission in Seychelles. The Extraordinary Council Meeting was convened to review and discuss the IOC budget estimates for Financial Year 2019. It also discussed the organisation of the 2nd Ministerial Conference on Maritime Security and the reports on the Presidential Elections in Madagascar and those being planned in Comoros in March 2019. The preparatory meeting of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia was also held back to back with the Ministerial Conference.

12. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport to Spain in relation to the Metro Express Project. The delegation took stock of the progress of works relating to the manufacturing of rolling stock for the Metro Express Project. The delegation also carried out various site visits to take stock of the physical progress of the Mauritian Light Rail Vehicle manufacturing, testing and delivery schedules.

In the margin of the mission, the delegation met CAF Chairman/CEO of the train manufacturing factory and the top management team and the CEO of CAF stated that they would spare no effort to have the LRVs delivered on time.

13. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Board of the Sugar Insurance Fund with Mr Bojrazsingh Boyramboli, Senior Chief Executive of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security, as Chairperson.

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