12 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Des mauriciens sont en train de braver les elements notamment une vigtaine à Flic en flac voir quatre vingt à Trou d’Eau Douce et les autorités demandent d’éviter es plages et lagons car un mauvaix évènement peut arrover vite.

It has been observed that some people are still venturing at sea at Flic en flac (20 people) and Trou d’Eau Douce (60 people) as well as on the beach at Poste la Fayette (50 people).

Inspite of several communiqués and sensititisation carried out by the National Emergency Operations Command.

NCG personnel have ensured that these people do not put their lives at risk.

The people cooperated and left the vicinity.

The public is requested not to venture near beaches due to high energy swells.

This can prove to be very dangerous.

NCG personnel are carrying out sensitisation around the coast.

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