13 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Décisions du Conseil des Ministres du 15 Mars 2019

4 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Les membres du Cabinet ont pris note que les Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security (Appeal) Regulations seront promulgées, que 115,613 touristes ont visité le pays au deuxième mois de 2019, du lamcement prochain de “Know Your Rights” pour les travailleurs étrangers entre autres.

1. Cabinet has taken note that the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Energy and Public Utilities would make the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security (Appeal) Regulations, under the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Act. The Act provides that any person who feels aggrieved with the decision of the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Authority can make an appeal. The Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security (Appeal) Regulations, inter alia, provide for:

(a) a non-refundable fee of 5,000 rupees to be paid by any person making an appeal;

(b) the Secretary of the Appeal Committee to give, 10 days before the hearing of the appeal, a notice in writing to the appellant, to the Authority or any other party of the date, time and place fixed for the hearing of the appeal; and

(c) any party to the appeal to be represented, at the hearing, by a Barrister or an Attorney or with leave of the Appeal Committee, be assisted by a person having expertise in the subject matter of the appeal.

The Regulations would become effective on 19 March 2019.

2. Cabinet has taken note that, in the context of the ongoing ACP-EU negotiations on a successor Agreement to the Cotonou Partnership Agreement, Mauritius has been designated as a member of the newly established African Central Negotiating Group which would be responsible to negotiate the Africa-EU Regional Protocol.

3. Cabinet has taken note that according to the last monthly report published by the Statistics Unit of the Ministry of Tourism, 115,613 tourists visited Mauritius in the month of February 2019. Growth has been registered in arrivals from France (+5.6%), Germany (+3.9), Italy (+5.6%), Saudi Arabia (+115.7%), Poland (+21.9%), Netherlands (+6.3%) and Czech Republic (+22.7%).

4. Cabinet has taken note of the status of the relocation of the eleven families affected by landslide at Quatre Soeurs to Camp Ithier. Each of the eleven families has been granted a building site lease over a plot of State land of an extent of 11 Perches at Camp Ithier for their relocation.

5. Cabinet has taken note that the pamphlet entitled “Know Your Rights” produced for dissemination to the migrant workers in the secondary economic activities sector, has been finalised and would be launched shortly.

6. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives, with the support of SME Mauritius would organise an SME Excellence Award competition open to all SMEs having, during their last two years of operation, brought significant improvement through adoption of best business practices and quality/technological/green concepts. The objectives of the SME Excellence Award are to encourage and reward the accomplishments and contributions of local SMEs that have succeeded and excelled by adopting best practices and systems leading to business transformation, productivity improvement and increased investment. Enterprises would be classified into three categories, namely:

(a) micro enterprises having an annual turnover of not more than Rs2M;

(b) small enterprises with an annual turnover of more than Rs2M but not more than Rs10M; and

(c) medium enterprises having an annual turnover of more than Rs10M but not more than Rs50M.

7. Cabinet has taken note of the activities being organised in the context of the World Water Day, commemorated on 22 March, namely:

(a) a half day panel discussion on the theme “Leaving no one behind” on 19 March 2019 at the Conference Hall, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Tower, Ebène;

(b) exhibitions at the Conference Hall, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Tower, Ebène, the CWA’s Sub Offices in Rose Belle, Flacq and Souillac, the Farmers Service Centre of Goodlands and the Social Welfare Centre of Bambous;

(c) open days at La Marie Water Treatment Plant, Pailles Water Treatment Plant and Midlands Dam;

(d) planting of 500 endemic plants at the Bagatelle Dam site; and

(e) painting competition for students of primary schools and sketch competition for students of secondary schools.

8. Cabinet has taken note that for the period 1 November 2017 to 28 February 2019, the Minister of Housing and Lands has, in accordance with the provisions of the State Lands Act, approved the grant of 393 new leases of plots of State land, including 281 for residential purposes, and renewed 37 leases.

9. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security to Rome where he participated in 42nd Session of the Governing Council of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The theme of the 42nd Session was “Rural Innovation and Entrepreneurship”.

At the inaugural ceremony, Pope Francis highlighted the importance of rural development and the essential role played by IFAD in achieving the first two Sustainable Development Goals, i.e. ending global hunger and poverty. During the Session, the Agri-Business Capital (ABC) Fund was launched with partners including the European Union, the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), the Government of Luxembourg and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. Discussions also focused on the importance of gender and nutrition-sensitive value chain development, the role of social entrepreneurship and innovation in promoting resilience and addressing global challenges, and the impact of new technology on the future of farming.

In the margins of the IFAD Governing Council, the Minister met, among others, Mr Esther Kasalu-Coffin, Country Director – Eastern Africa and discussions focused on the Seeds Regulations Project.

10. Cabinet has taken note of the constitution of the Board of the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Authority with Dr Yousouf Maudarbocus as Chairperson.

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