14 avril 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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The Immigration (Amendment) Bill

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

Le Premier Ministre va présenter au Parlement le 16 Avril 2019 le The Immigration (Amendment) Bill en première lecture et aussi au vote lors de la séance.

The objects of this Bill are to provide that –
(a) a non-citizen, who is the spouse of a citizen, shall not have the status of a resident where he was a prohibited immigrant at the time of
becoming such a spouse;
(b) persons who suffer from any physical or mental infirmity or persons who are dumb, blind or otherwise physically defective or physically
handicapped and who are likely to be a burden on the State shall no longer be treated as a distinct category of prohibited immigrants;
(c) persons who, from information or advice which in the opinion of the Minister is reliable information or advice, are likely to be undesirable
inhabitants of, or visitors to, Mauritius, shall be deemed to be prohibited immigrants;
(d) persons or class of persons whose presence in Mauritius, from information or advice which in the opinion of the Minister is reliable
information or advice, is likely to be prejudicial to the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public health,
shall be deemed to be prohibited immigrants.

The Immigration (Amendment) Bill

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