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33rd Edition of The Outstanding Young Person Award

2 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

The time has come to recognize the outstanding achievements of our country’s youth. On Tuesday 16th April 2019, Junior Chamber International (JCI) Mauritius launched the 33rd Edition of The Outstanding Young Person Award (TOYP) at the Municipality of Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill, and the search for nominees has been declared open.

The Project Director, Marie-Luce Chang-Ko said, ”By recognizing these young Mauritian talents, by telling their stories of discovery and determination, we hope to inspire other young Mauritians to seek out their dreams and become just as amazing, so they too can make a difference in their communities. Nominations for The Outstanding Young Person Award or Zenn Pli Exceptionel Dan Moris is open and I hope to see participants all over Mauritius to inspire the next generation- It could be you!”

“The JCI The Outstanding Young Person Award is run nationally and internationally. Since 1983, JCI has honored over 200 individuals from 47 nations. Past recipients of national awards include such well-known personalities as John F. Kennedy, Elvis Presley, Jackie Chan and many more, all named before the age of 40 and before they had achieved national prominence.” said Mr. Heveen Kejiou, President of JCI Mauritius. He added “The programme has been held in Mauritius since 1986 and recipients include our first winner Eddy Young in 1986 and Dr Hemant Mohabeer and Sarvesh Lutchmun in 2018 and 2017 respectively. Dalilah Kalla, Vedant Seeam and Zaheer Allam were awarded internationally as the Ten Outstanding Young Person of the world honourees in 2011, 2013 and 2014 respectively. The competition is now open and we are on the search for the ‘Zenn Pli Exceptionel Dan Moris’ and we will show the world the great talents of Mauritius”

Young men and women may be nominated in one of the following ten categories:,
(1) Business, economic and/or entrepreneurial accomplishment
(2) Political, legal and/or governmental affairs
(3) Academic leadership and/or accomplishment
(4) Cultural achievement
(5) Moral and/or environmental leadership
(6) Contribution to children, world peace and/or human rights
(7) Humanitarian and/or voluntary leadership
(8) Scientific and/or technological development
(9) Personal improvement and/or accomplishment
(10) Medical innovation.

The honourees will then be selected by a panel of distinguished judges who are asked to base their decisions primarily on:

• How the person’s achievement may have benefited his or her community, nation or the world.
• How the person’s achievement or leadership may have inspired others.

The honorees will be recognized during an award ceremony which is scheduled for Saturday 1st June 2019. The honorees will also be entered into the JCI TOYP program and if ever, they are among the International honorees, they will receive a free round-trip airline ticket to Tallinn, Estonia to attend the 2019 JCI World Congress in November, where they will be featured at an awards ceremony.

Participation is free and any resident of Mauritius aged between 18 and 40 years old can apply. The nomination form for the 2019 JCI Mauritius The Outstanding Young Person can be found online at http://toyp.jcimauritius.org/ and must be completed no later than Monday 6th May 2019.

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