12 mars 2024

Maurice Info – Archives

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Cela se passe comme ça pour « les petits chefs » à L’atelier des sens .

1 min read
Les archives de Maurice Info

Les archives de Maurice Info

A l’initiative de Coralie Vitry ,épouse du chef Patrick Vitry qu’on ne présente plus à Maurice , elle a organisé pendant  toutes les vacances, différents ateliers culinaires pour « les petits chefs en herbe » leur permettant de s’ initier au goût , au sens du partage et à la réalisation de différents mets salés et sucrés sous la houlette des chefs Yannick Jacquette et Jason Domingue .

In collaboration with the new NGO We Empower, Atelier Des Sens welcomed 15 young children aged 5 to 11 years from the shelter under the supervision of Amis De Don Boscoe.

Each child in their little chefs’ outfit was initiated into the wonders of cooking, from kneading the dough to rolling a pizza base, from grating the cheese to adding the ingredients required to prepare the topping.

This was a workshop with a difference it allowed the children to get their hands on experience in pizza making and baking, followed by making pasta from scratch and toffee apples for dessert.

Not only did the children get to prepare the foods, they were also taught how to set a table and had the wonderful experience of eating what they had produced for lunch.

A truly innovative undertaking in keeping children occupied during the school holidays.

This proved to be not a simple cooking lesson, as each step was explained thoroughly, from why we wash our hands, wear a hat and apron to safety in the kitchen

Who said cooking can’t be fun!!!!

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