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Wage Rate Index for 1st Quarter 2024

The wage rate index increased by 8.0% or 9.1 points to reach 122.5 in first quarter…

{Document] Quarterly Index of Industrial Production for first quarter 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, the overall index of industrial production declined by 18.3% compared…

[Document] Producer Price Index Manufacturing for 1st Quarter 2024

PPI-M, which stood at 149.5 in December 2023, registered an increase of 3.2 points (+2.1%) to…

104,114 touristes pour le moi de Mai 2024

Le pays a connu la visite de ce nombre de vacanciers pour le cinquième mois de…

Energy and Water Statistics for Year 2023

In 2023, the total primary energy requirement (sum of imported and locally available fuels less re-exports…

External trade for 1st Quarter 2024

For the first quarter of 2024, total exports proceeds, including domestic exports, re-exports and ship’s stores…

Producer Price Index – Agriculture for 1st Quarter 2024

PPI-A, which was 176.4 in December 2023, increased by 14.7% to reach 202.4 in March 2024.…

Labour force, Employment and Unemployment for Year 2023

Labour force increased by 30,000 (+5,900 males and +24,100 females) from 562,800 in 2022 to 592,800…

Monthly External Merchandise Trade Statistics for March 2024

Balance of Visible Trade showed a deficit of Rs 17,207 million in March 2024, higher by…

Housing And Population Census 2022

The Housing Census data were published in June 2023 as Volume I of the series of…

Monthly External Merchandise Trade Statistics for February 2024

Balance of Visible Trade showed a deficit of Rs 13,844 million in February 2024, lower by…

Consumer Price Index for 1st Quarter 2024

The Consumer Price Index, which stood at 132.0 in December 2023, registered a net increase of…

Consumer Price Index for March 2024

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) decreased by 1.0 point or -0.7% from 138.6 in February 2024…

109,709 touristes ont pris l’avoin pour venir à Maurice.

Les données de Statistic Mauritius indiquent que pour le premier mois de l’année 2024, le nombre…

Road Transport and Road Traffic Accident Statistics for 2023

Compared to 2022, accidents causing casualties went up by 9.2% in 2023, fatal accidents by 31.3%,…

Labour force, Employment and Unemployment for 4th Quarter 2023

The unemployment rate for the fourth quarter of 2023 is estimated at 6.1%, compared to the…

Wage Rate Index for 4th Quarter and Year 2023

The wage rate index increased by 1.8% or 2.0 points to reach 114.2 in fourth quarter…

Export and Import Price Indices for 4th Quarter 2023

Export Price Index fell by 1.3% from 156.7 in the third quarter of 2023 to 154.6…

Quarterly Index of Industrial Production for 4th Quarter 2023

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the overall index of industrial production increased by 14.2% compared…

Monthly External Merchandise Trade Statistics for January 2024

Balance of Visible Trade showed a deficit of Rs 13,946 million in January 2024, lower by…

Producer Price Index – Manufacturing for 4th Quarter 2023

PPI-M, which stood at 151.0 in September 2023, registered a decrease of 1.5 points (-1.0%) to…

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