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Quarterly Index of Industrial Production for 4th Quarter 2023

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the overall index of industrial production increased by 14.2% compared…

Monthly External Merchandise Trade Statistics for January 2024

Balance of Visible Trade showed a deficit of Rs 13,946 million in January 2024, lower by…

Producer Price Index – Manufacturing for 4th Quarter 2023

PPI-M, which stood at 151.0 in September 2023, registered a decrease of 1.5 points (-1.0%) to…

Sensible baisse de la population mauricienne

Le dernier document sur la population de la République de Maurice indique que le nombre de…

Consumer Price Index for February 2024

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 3.4 points or 2.5% from 135.2 in January 2024…

Agriculture Producer Price Index for fourth quarter 2023

PPI-A covers two sub-groups, namely: « Crop products » and « Animals and animal products ». « Crop products » is further…

International Travel and Tourism for 2023

The number of tourist arrivals increased from 997,290 in the year 2022 to 1,295,410 in the…

Les commentaires de Platform Moris Lanvironnman sur l’EIA du projet de la Roches Noires Smart City.

Dans une correspondance à Maurice Info, les dirigeants de PML dont Adi Teelock, disent avoir décidé…

Social Security Statistics for Mauritius from July 2022 to June 2023

As at June 2023, the number of beneficiaries of Basic Retirement Pension reached 259,747, some 3.7%…

External trade for 4th Quarter and Year 2023

Total exports for the fourth quarter of 2023, including domestic exports, re-exports and ship’s stores and…

149145 touristes pour le mois de décembre 2023

Le dernier mois de 2024 a été un mois faste pour le secteur touristique/hôtelier de Maurice…

Monthly External Merchandise Trade Statistics for December 2023

Balance of Visible Trade showed a deficit of Rs 16,649 million in December 2023, lower by…

Consumer Price Index for January 2024

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 3.2 points or 2.4% from 132.0 in December 2023…

Construction Price Index for 4th Quarter 2023

The Construction Price Index which stood at 133.0 in the third quarter of 2023 increased by…

External Merchandise Trade Statistics for November 2023

Balance of Visible Trade showed a deficit of Rs 17,201 million in November 2023, higher by…

Consumer Price Index for 2023

The Consumer Price Index, which stood at 127.1 in December 2022, registered a net increase of…

Consumer Price Index for December 2023

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 0.1 point or 0.1% from 131.9 in November 2023…

Export and Import Price Indices for 3rd Quarter 2023

The Export Price Index rose by 0.4% from 156.0 in the second quarter of 2023 to…

119,494 touristes pour le mois de novembre 2023

Un peu moins que le mois d’octobre 2023, les touristes n’ont pas boudé Maurice pour les…

National Accounts Estimates -for December 2023

GDP at market prices in 2023 would grow by 7.1% instead of 6.8% as forecasted in…

Labour force, Employment and Unemployment for 3rd Quarter 2023

Employment of Mauritians is estimated at 556,100 in the third quarter of 2023 compared to 553,200…

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